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Privacy Policy of Barcode Scanner Price

Privacy Policy is very importance to us and for users to know how app is using his personal and non-personal information in our mobile applications.

Personal Data:
barcode scanner price  respects privacy of users information or data if we are collecting it.
barcode scanner price never collects any information from the users or Barcode scanner never collects any personal user data.
barcode scanner price never using any tools or any mecahnisam to collect the user infprmation in any manner.
barcode scanner price never recognise or never collect personal or non-personal information.
barcode scanner price using google admob for advertisement. It has own policy.
barcode scanner price using google services for analysis of number of usages.
Non-Personal Data:
Advertisement agencies serves advertisement and he will servre you ad on your search basis.
Advertisement will server you for your pleasent experience and identify your past search history basis by the add service provider.
Advertisement networks may access your device search identification through their own method and show you relevent advertisement.
price checker never suggests to use the app children under 16 year old
price checker suggests children to use this app under the guidence of his parents.

for any queries or supports please mail us.


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Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.
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